Impact and tolerance mechanism of heat stress in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.): A review

Suchi Bhatt 1 , Smirti Sharma 2 , Sashi Bhusan Kumar Yadav 3

1   Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
2   Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
3   Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Tribhuvan University, Nepal

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Wheat is one of the major cereal crops preferred by world’s population.  About 55% of world’s population depend on wheat to meet their 20% calorie requirement. Wheat being a winter crop grows best in 15-25 degree Celsius of temperature range. But due to increasing global warming climatic requirement of wheat is not fulfilled and suffer different abiotic stresses such as heat, drought, salinity, cold, excess water etc. Among which heat stress is one of the major abiotic stresses faced by wheat. It has different morphological, biochemical and physiological consequences on wheat for instance poor grain quality, decreased grain number and weight, decreased photosynthesis due to disruption in chlorophyll structure and function, reduced starch content due to poor efficiency of enzyme required in biosynthesis. To cope up with all these impacts of heat stress wheat has developed various tolerance mechanisms such as release of heat shock protein, antioxidant defense mechanism, membrane thermostability, stay green, omics approaches etc. Heat shock protein helps to prevent death of cell, accumulation of denatured protein, refolding of protein, transmission of heat shock responses etc. While omics approaches help in gene profiling, protein identification etc. knowledge about both the effect and tolerance mechanism of heat stress in wheat helps to develop heat tolerant varieties with collaborative effort of plant breeder, physiologist etc. that helps to maintain food security.


Effects, Heat shock protein, Heat stress, Tolerance, Wheat


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How to Cite

Bhatt, S., Sharma, S., & Yadav, S. B. K. (2024). Impact and tolerance mechanism of heat stress in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.): A review. Archives of Agriculture and Environmental Science, 9(3), 632-640.



Review Articles