Effect of different packaging materials on banana ripening and shelf-life in Dang, Nepal
This research was conducted to evaluate the effect of different packaging materials on the shelf life and banana quality (cv G9) at the laboratory, Campus of Live Sciences, Tulsipur, Dang, Nepal. The different packaging materials were used as high-density non-perforated polyethylene bags, low-density non-perforated polyethylene bags, low-density perforated polyethylene bags, fiber bags, jute bags, paddy straw with cardboard, and a control treatment (in open trays). The research was conducted in a completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications. The bananas were packed in different packaging materials after being treated with a 250 ppm ethephon solution. Parameters such as peel color, physiological weight loss, pulp-to-peel ratio, total soluble solids (TSS), titratable acidity (TA), and Benedict test were assessed at two-day interval. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed highly significant differences for all the recorded parameters except TA. Unpackaged fruits lost 22.92% of their weight, while fruits packed in high-density non-perforated polythene (HDNP) and low-density non-perforated polythene (LDNP) bags lost 13.27% and 6.15%, respectively. Peel colour development from green mature to yellow was observed first in bananas packed in low-density perforated polyethylene (LDPP) bags followed by open trays, jute bags, and paddy straws. The lowest pulp-to-peel ratio was observed in HDNP and LDNP bags. It can be concluded that packaging bananas in high-density and low-density non-perforated polyethylene bags resulted in longer shelf life. The sweetness, aroma, and mouthfeel of bananas in jute bags, fiber bags, and paddy straws were highly accepted. Thus, LDPP bags were found effective in early ripening and uniform yellow colour development on bananas.
Fiber and plastic bags, Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP), Physical quality, Ripening agentDownloads
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