Probiotics in aquaculture: A pathway to safer and healthier fish farming
Aquaculture benefits greatly from probiotic bacteria, which are also very helpful in preventing a number of infectious diseases. They can be use in place of antibiotics and antimicrobials. Fish that take probiotics have stronger immune systems and grow faster. They aid in the elimination of heavy metals in addition to fostering fish development. Although probiotics can be extracted from a variety of sources, the fish's own stomach is the best source for probiotics. The source of putative probiotics is the same as that of the organism ingesting them. Potential probiotics can flourish in the fish gastrointestinal tract since they are already acclimated to the conditions of the fish gut. Numerous bacteria have been used as probiotics in various experiments, primarily as a feed supplement at varying concentrations. Fish treated with probiotic bacteria have shown positive effects such as improved growth with lower production costs, improved reproductive performances, improved immunology, and disease resistance. When utilized in place of commercial antibiotics and antimicrobials, which can lead to resistance against bacterial species when overused, probiotics can be advantageous for fish farmers. In this paper, aquaculture probiotics, their types, work of mechanism and their uses have been discussed for sustainable aquaculture productivity.
Aquaculture, Probiotic bacteria, Fish, Disease resistance, Immune systemDownloads
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