Effect of foliar spray of micronutrients and hormones on cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.)
In order to achieve optimal plant growth and production, essential nutrients must be readily available in adequate quantities and in a balanced proportion to give a good yield, especially cauliflower which has health benefits that may not be found in many other plants. For this purpose, this experiment was carried out during the seasons 2020-2021 in the on station of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Khulna under Smallholder Agricultural competitiveness project. Although the treatments showed a positive effect on yield, quality and economics but, T1 revealed most significant influence on all parameters under study as compared to T0 (control). For micronutrients and hormone, T1 treatment produced the highest curd yield (29.99 t ha-1) and the lowest (17.04 t ha-1) was control from the varietal effect the highest curd yield was (35.14 t ha-1) from V4 (It Amazuku 33) and the lowest was (16.21 t ha-1) from V5 (BARI Fulcopi-1). In case of combined effect, the highest curd yield (45.16 t ha-1) was obtained from T1V4 and the lowest curd yield (10.27 t ha-1) from T0V1. Therefore, it can be suggested that the highest curd yield and good shape cauliflower curd can be obtained application of Zn 8.83 kg/ha, B 3.5 kg/ha, Ma 8.43 kg/ha and Flora (Hormone) 2 ml/1 L of water. Therefore, foliar application of micronutrients and hormone is suitable way to feed the cauliflower crop to enhance the marketable yield and quality.
Cauliflower, Foliar spray, Micro-nutrition, Hormones, YieldDownloads
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