Determination of irrigation regime for hot pepper (Capsicum annum L.) in dry-land areas of Wag- Himra, North Eastern Amhara, Ethiopia
A field experiment to evaluate CROPWAT model estimations was conducted during the year 2014 and 2015 on Ziqualla and Abergelle. This field experiment was therefore conducted to determine net irrigation requirements and irrigation schedules of hot pepper (Capsicum annum L.) using CROPWAT computer model and to validate using field trial. A split plot design with the main plot of water depth and subplot of irrigation frequency has been used. Three levels of water amount with (I1), (I2), and (I3) CROPWAT generated depth and three levels of irrigation frequency at (5), (7) and (9) days interval were used as a treatment. Additionally, one treatment farmer practice irrigation depth and interval has been used as a control. The experimental result showed that irrigation application of I1 CROPWAT generated depth at 5 days irrigation interval obtained a relatively higher and statistically significant marketable yield, water productivity on both Ziqualla and Abergelle. In terms of economic profitability, it was found that irrigation application I1 CROPWAT generated depth at 5 days irrigation interval had 7.7ton/ha and 6ton/ha economically yield advantageous associated that I2 CROPWAT generated depth with 7 days irrigation interval on Ziqualla and Abergelle, congruently. Considering the above results, irrigation application of I1 CROPWAT generated depth at 5 days interval was found economically feasible and recommended to improve crop and water productivity of the irrigation schemes by saving a significant amount of water for irrigating additional lands for hot pepper (C. annum) crop production both Ziqualla and Abergelle small-scale irrigation schemes.
Hot pepper (Capsicum annum L.), Irrigation regime, Marketable yield, Wag-Himra, Water productivityDownloads
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