Economics of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) production in terai region of Nepal
Potato is an important cash crop of Nepal. Research was conducted from January to May, 2018 in Jhapa, Bara and Kailali districts for economic assessment of potato production in terai region of Nepal. Pre-tested interview schedule was used to collect the primary information; moreover, one Focal Group Discussion and two Key Informant Interviews were performed. Furthermore, relevant literatures were reviewed for secondary information. The simple random method of sampling was used within the clusters that were identified in consultation with District Agriculture Development Office, Potato Superzone Office and agricultural officials of the local government. Altogether, 165 samples, 55 samples from each of the three districts were taken for the purpose of the study. The Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) and Microsoft excel software were used for data analysis. The majority of the respond-ents (52.7%) prioritized the source-Own home production/ Neighbors/ Friends as the first major source for seed followed by Cooperatives/ Farmer’s group (20%). More than one third of the farmers (35.2%) sold their produce at Home/Local market/Haatbazar followed by Wholesalers/ Distant market (34.5%). The average gross margin per Kattha from potato production was found NRs. 6604.4 and benefit cost ratio was 2.13. The indexing identified- lack of availability of improved quality seed (I= 0.79) as the most important problem followed by incidence of disease and insect/pest (I= 0.71) for potato production. The provision of technical knowledge to control diseases as well as proper allocation of improved quality seed would help to increase profitability and productivity of potato.
Benefit cost ratio, Descriptive statistics, Indexing, Potato productionDownloads
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