Sustainability of smallholder seed enterprises (SSE): A case study of Nagarpur and Shahjadpur Upazila, Bangladesh

Md. Saddam Hossen 1 , Ranjan Roy 2 , Mohammad Kabirul Islam 3 , Nurunnaher Akhter 4 , Shekhar Mondal 5 , Md. Monirul Islam 6

1   Department of Agricultural Extension and Information System, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka, BANGLADESH
2   Department of Agricultural Extension and Information System, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka, BANGLADESH
3   Department of Soil Science, Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Patuakhali, BANGLADESH; The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Kagoshima University, Kagoshima, JAPAN; Faculty of Agriculture, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa 903-0213, JAPAN
4   National University, Gazipur, Dhaka, BANGLADESH
5   Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Patuakhali, BANGLADESH
6   Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Patuakhali, BANGLADESH

✉ Coressponding author: See PDF.




Smallholders’ seed production, processing, and marketing of major crops such as rice, wheat, and maize have been important issues for seed security worldwide. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization reports, the smallholder’s seed enterprise (SSE) is the best way of ensuring the availability of quality non-hybrid seeds. The concept of SSE is built to fulfill the farmer’s seed demand by the development of their own seed production system. It is so important for sustainable agriculture. Although, this system does not perform properly due to some limitations. So, the present study aimed to assess the important indicators that directly related to the sustenance of smallholder’s seed enterprises. It will be helpful to enhance SSEs effectiveness. Data were collected from 120 smallholders of six villages of Nagarpur and Shahjadpur Upazila under Tangail and Sirajganj districts in Bangladesh, respectively. Results revealed that 92.5% of the smallholder had moderate to highly sustainable seed enterprises. Based on standardized coefficients, institutional functions, price of seed, human capital and marketing facilities considered as highly influential indicators. Finally, the existing institutions play a key role in achieving the sustainability of SSEs by providing necessary supports.


Bangladesh, Composite indicator (CI), Smallholder seed enterprises, Sustainability


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How to Cite

Hossen, M. S., Roy, R., Islam, M. K., Akhter, N., Mondal, S., & Islam, M. M. (2019). Sustainability of smallholder seed enterprises (SSE): A case study of Nagarpur and Shahjadpur Upazila, Bangladesh. Archives of Agriculture and Environmental Science, 8(1), 388-395.



Case Studies