Effects of COVID-19 induced pandemic on the production, trade, and income of smallholder vegetable growers in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
This study assessed the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on production, trade and income of smallholder vegetables growers in the Kathmandu valley, Nepal. We made a scenario-based situation analysis of pre-COVID (January to March 2020) and COVID-19 pandemic induced lockdown (April to June 2020) situations. The study used a descriptive research design and employed multistage sampling techniques. One hundred forty-five vegetable growers were surveyed and six focus group discussions were carried out between May to July 2020 in the three municipalities- Chandragiri, Mahalaxmi and Changunarayan of Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur districts respectively. The study showed that the income of smallholders' vegetable growers was decreased by 66.1 percent due to an increase in input price (16.9 percent), a decrease in output price (62.67 percent), and low farm productivity (9.3 percent) in comparison with the pre-COVID period. This paper has figured out the impact pathways that caused the income decline of vegetable growers. The primary constraints to smallholder producers were the absence of local aggregators followed by transportation barriers, limited market opening hours, and mobility obstruction and changed consumers' behavior due to lockdown. Majority of the farmers adjusted to the situations by selling their products at lower prices, free distribution to the local inhabitants, and composting and dumping the surpluses. The study concluded that this kind of analysis is necessary to develop resilient supply chains and extend appropriate support to the smallholder farmers who are critical actor to the supply chains.
COVID-19, Impact pathways, Lockdown, Vegetable value chainDownloads
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