Integrated pest management of fall armyworm infestations in maize fields in Nepal: A review
Spodoptera frugiperda, commonly known as Fall Armyworm (FAW), is amongst the most terrifying pests of maize in Latin America, which unexpectedly appeared in Nepal in 2019 and spread expeditiously. Estimates of maize crop losses due to this pest are vital in order to compare the effect of these losses with the convenient of controlling FAW and suggest pertinent controlling technology and methods. Nepal is predominantly an agrarian nation thus, maize is grown substantially. However, climatic conditions of Nepal favor the outbreaks of pests such as FAW in many maize grown areas. On the grounds that most of the people of hill and mountainous regions depend on maize for their staple food, pests have appeared to be a great threat to cereal production. It causes considerable injuries to maize by feeding on leaf whorls, ears and tassel which often leads to total yield loss. Yet, agriculture is an economic activity, even among subsistence farmers in Nepal. Seeing high potential losses caused by FAW, different control methods have been proposed. This pest demands meticulous and stepwise plan for its management. This review emphasized on adoption of IPM methods of pests’ control, which is the integration of biological, cultural, physical, chemical, and technological approaches. Meanwhile, early warning systems, though poorly developed in Nepal, can be highlighted for further studies and for further research work.
Early warning system, Fall Armyworm, Integrated Pest Management, Maize, NepalDownloads
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