A review on status, implications and recent trends of forest fire management
Forest fire spread out in an area having combustible material in the summer season with high temperature. It burns the area and looks like a misery. Forest fire is one of the factors that severely affects the forest biodiversity. Burning actions in a forest affects not only flora and fauna but also soil properties changed due to the forest fire. In summer season on sloppy topography forest fire originates in tropical forests. While in coniferous forests, forest fire outbreaks during the resin extraction activities. More than 350 million hectares (ha) was estimated to be affected by vegetation fires globally. In India about 55% of forest area is prone to the fire. Fires can be natural or man- made, but manmade fire affects mostly. Several forest types and areas are more susceptible to forest fires because of suitable weather, topography and inflammable material. Forest fires adversely affect the soil, water, flora and fauna and disrupt the ecological functions. The new advances in fire control are remote sensing and GIS where real time information can be gathered about the fire break and immediate follow can be done. The chemicals (as borate, ammonium sulfate and ammonium biphosphate) are used for fire control and various other types of fire retardants are used to keep the fire under control. Forest fire changes the composition of vegetation, extinction of species, development of the various adaptations in unwanted plants. Nutrient cycle and soils are affected. Frequent forest fire events cause global warming. Forest fire needed to be controlled at initial stage and the large fires should not be allowed to occur, the modern techniques of monitoring, detection and control must be used for avoiding the large fires happenings.
Forest fire, Nutrient cycling, Soil properties, Vegetation changeDownloads
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