Current status of Iraqi artisanal marine fisheries in northwest of the Arabian Gulf of Iraq
The study was conducted to analyze the fish landings from Iraqi artisanal marine fisheries, northwest Arabian Gulf from January 2017 to December 2019. The monthly data of fish landings were collected from the main landing site at Al-Fao port, south Iraq and were analyzed using descriptive statistics. A total of 35 taxa in 18 families were identified in the artisanal catches, in addition to two species of shrimps. The highest total landings were 11,944 t in 2018 and 11,305 t in 2019. The annual total landing of the marine fisheries increased by 270% during 2017-2019 as compared with the annual landing during 2008-2016. Threadfin bream contributed 14.1%, followed by river shad (11.1%) and mullets (11.1%), whereas shrimps formed 15.2% to the total catch. The overall values of biomass diversity of fish ranged from 1.82 in 2017 to 2.85 in 2018. There were 320 registered fishing boats motorized by 65 to 950 hp. Multi gears fishing were observed. The trends of the landings of all fish groups were increased substantially, except river shad, threadfin bream and shrimps. The study suggests some of the management measures must be put into place, especially for the river shad in the regions of their migration reproductive and the nursery.
Arabian Gulf, Artisanal marine fisheries, Fish and shrimps landings, Fishing efforts, IraqDownloads
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