Assessment of zooplankton community in an anthropogenic-disturbance coastal creek, southwest Nigeria
In order to assess the zooplankton community in an anthropogenic-disturbance Badagry creek, Zooplankton and water samples were collected and analyzed bi-monthly from November 2011 to September 2013 in nine stations representing its three different zones using standard methods. Zooplankton was identified to species-level using relevant texts and counted under a Microstar IV Carl Zeiss binocular microscope calibrated at different magnifications. Diversity was determined using Shannon-Weiner (H), Simpson (1-D) and Evenness (e^H/S) indices. Water samples were analysed for temperature, pH, salinity, conductivity, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, water depth and nitrate. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, ANOVA, cluster and Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) at α = 0.05. A total of 56 species comprising 26 species of rotifers, 15 species of arthropoda, 4 species of ciliophora, 3 species of cnidaria, and 2 species of ctenophora, foraminifera, mollusca, protozoa each, with an array of meroplankton / juvenile stages of the order copepod of subphylum crustacea were recorded. Diversity indices were highest (H = 2.20; 1-D = 0.80; e^H/S = 0.27) at station 6 and lowest in station 8 (H = 1.20; 1-D = 0.56) and station 1(e^H/S = 0.14). Salinity/conductivity, nitrate and water depth were significantly different (p < 0.05) among the study stations. CCA revealed salinity/conductivity and nitrate were the most important abiotic factors co-related with the zooplankton abundance in Badagry creek. The moderately low zooplankton communities’ diversity and abundance in Badagry creek point at different natural and anthropogenic factor impacts.
Abiotic factors, Diversity, Zooplankton abundanceDownloads
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