Growth performance and survival of oyster, Saccostrea cucullata (Born, 1778) and green mussel, Perna viridis (Linnaeus, 1758) cultivated in Bangladesh Coast
Oyster and mussel farming along the coasts and the desire to increase fishing revenue have created a boom in these types of farms. An experiment on culture of edible oyster (Saccostrea cucullata) and green mussel (Perna viridis) was performed at Gangamoti estuary in Kuakata, Bay of Bengal coast of Bangladesh from December 2021 to March 2022 to find out the appropriate culture method of the oyster, S. cucullata and green mussel, P. viridis. Initially, the average shell heights of S. cucullata and P. viridis were 8.8±1.62 and 6.9±1.89 cm, respectively; where average weights were153.4±13.23 and 84.78±11.78 g, respectively. After the culture period, oysters shell height and weight grew up to 9.1±1.98 cm and 163.2±12.54 g, respectively in rectangular basket and 8.9±1.45 cm and 157.2±11.31 g, respectively in velon screen bag. In case of oysters, the rectangular basket and velon screen bag displayed the minor progress in specific growth rate, 0.09±0.01 and 0.07±0.03, respectively. But green mussels did not show any growth rate. Oysters cultured in rectangular basket showed total mortality at day-90 and velon screen bag at day-75. Green mussels showed 100% mortality within 21 days of culture. Our experiment was the first attempt to culture these two mollusks in the Kuakata coast of Bangladesh. However, further intensive researches would be required to evaluate the culture feasibility of these two mollusks’ species in the Kuakata coast of Bangladesh.
Bivalve, Rectangular basket, Specific growth rate, Velon screen bagDownloads
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