Effect of integrated nutrient management on growth, yield, and soil nutrient status in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus cv. Arka Anamika)

Saraddha Khasu Magar 1 , Bimala Poudel 2 , Roshni Dhungana 3 , Sara Rawal 4 , Sandesh Thapa 5 , Khuma Kumari Bhusal 6 , Santoshi Malla 7

1   Gokuleshwor Agriculture and Animal Science College, Baitadi, NEPAL
2   Gokuleshwor Agriculture and Animal Science College, Baitadi, NEPAL
3   Gokuleshwor Agriculture and Animal Science College, Baitadi, NEPAL
4   Gokuleshwor Agriculture and Animal Science College, Baitadi, NEPAL
5   Gokuleshwor Agriculture and Animal Science College, Baitadi, NEPAL
6   Gokuleshwor Agriculture and Animal Science College, Baitadi, NEPAL
7   Gokuleshwor Agriculture and Animal Science College, Baitadi, NEPAL

✉ Coressponding author: See PDF.

doi https://doi.org/10.26832/24566632.2023.080108



Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus cv. Arka Anamika) is one of the most widely grown vegetable crops in the tropics during the spring, summer, and Kharif seasons. One of the major constraints of low productivity of okra and soil deterioration is due to the inappropriate and sole use of synthetic fertilizer. So, to address the yield gap, an experiment was conducted in Gokuleshwor, Baitadi Nepal from 23rd March to 15th July 2021 to study the effect of integrated nutrient management (INM) on growth, and yield and soil nutrient status in okra". The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with 8 treatments and 3 replication T8 gave maximum plant height (37.21 cm), stem diameter (4.04 cm), numbers of leaves (14.33), and a number of pods (8.07) and minimum plant height (23.18 cm) and a number of leaves (9.00) were observed in T3 whereas minimum steam diameter (2.87cm) a and number of pods (2.87) were observed in T6. It was observed that treatment T8 produced a maximum yield (2.10 kg) and treatment T3 produces the minimum yield (1.24 kg). Highest post-harvest available nitrogen (0.1167%), phosphorus (85.20 kg/ha), potassium (229.61 kg/ha), organic matter (2.31%) and pH (6.25) was found in treatment T8. This study suggests integrating vermicompost and synthetic fertilizer as a potential source for better growth, and high yield of okra thus more experiments on dosage optimization and SSNM should be focused onwards for long term sustainability.


Farmyard manure, Integrated nutrient management, Okra, Vermicompost


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How to Cite

Magar, S. K., Poudel, B., Dhungana, R., Rawal, S., Thapa, S., Bhusal, K. K., & Malla, S. (2023). Effect of integrated nutrient management on growth, yield, and soil nutrient status in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus cv. Arka Anamika). Archives of Agriculture and Environmental Science, 8(1), 49-54. https://doi.org/10.26832/24566632.2023.080108



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