The cost-benefit analysis and constraints of pineapple production in Bangladesh
The main purpose of the study was to estimate the profitability of pineapple production in Sreemangal, Moulvibazar District. Structured questionnaires and face to face interviews were done to collect raw data from 100 pineapple farmers during harvesting season. These farmers were chosen using a multi-stage sampling approach. Net return analysis, Benefit-Cost Ratio, and Kruskal-Wallis One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were used to analyze the prepared data. Findings from net return analysis showed that pineapple production was a profitable activity in the study area. The total cost of production was Tk. 740,767 and the total return was also substantial, resulting in a net return of Tk. 501,445 for pineapple production. The Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR) was 1.48, indicating that pineapple farming was profitable for the farmers. However, the study also discovered several constraints perceived by the farmers that hindered pineapple production. These constraints included issues like animal damage, lack of credit availability, natural calamities, labor supply shortages, expensive fertilizer, inadequate storage facilities, and poor seed quality. By mitigating these constraints, pineapple productivity may rise not just in the study area but also in other regions of Bangladesh where the fruit is grown intensively. Thus, this improvement could significantly contribute to the well-being of farmers and enhance their disposable income.
Bangladesh, Benefit cost ratio, Constraint, Pineapple production, ProfitabilityDownloads
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